Hampton Surprise Major:

5120 Hampton Surprise Major
by Paul M Mason (no.38)
5  B  M  W      H  23456
      -         3  43652
   -            -  43526
            S3     2735468
SS    -            3745268
   -        IN     5276438
-               -  7532468
         -  S4  2  35426
         -      -  42356
      -            32654   }
   -            -  32546   }
            S3     4725368 } A
SS          S4  2  25346   }
         -      -  34256   }
         A         23456
Omit all the singles in the last part.
58 crus, Queens, Backrounds
24 x ....5678
22 x ....8765
9  x ....2468
15 x 8765....
7  x 5678....
Rung at Claybrooke on 20/11/2006

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